Head of Field Presence – ACNUR – Belém, Pará

vagas relações internacionais

O Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Refugiados, com a sigla ACNUR em português e UNHCR em inglês, é um órgão das Nações Unidas. Criado pela Resolução n.º 428 da Assembleia das Nações Unidas, em 14 de dezembro de 1950, tem como missão dar apoio e proteção a refugiados de todo o mundo.

O Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados (ACNUR) no Brasil seleciona Head of Field Presence para trabalhar em seu escritório em Belém.Descrição da vaga:

Operational context
In July 2018, UNHCR declared a Level 2 emergency in Brazil. As the influx of Venezuelans continues unabated and the humanitarian
needs increase, UNHCR Brazil has been rapidly scaling up its staffing and response in several field locations.
The most urgent needs of indigenous asylum seekers in the State of Pará include access to basic needs, including adequate shelter, water,
sanitation and health. UNHCR is working together with the local government and authorities, as well as the civil society to provide technical
support and improve the humanitarian response in the region.
UNHCR’s Field Presence in Belem is expanding to meet the new and expanding demands, the Head of Field Presence post has been created
to strengthen the Field Presence structure.

Organizational context
The position is under direct supervision and guidance of the Deputy Representative on issues concerning programme, protection, external
relations, etc. Advice and operational support may also be received from other senior staff and support units at the Branch Office and
from the Bureau at Headquarters.
The incumbent represents UNHCR at the field level. S/he will persuade and obtain assistance of others on matters of non-routine
significance. Contacts predominantly with persons on subject matters of importance to Organization’s programmes (e.g. counterparts in
other organizations or at working level in national Governments).

Functional statement
Accountability (key results that will be achieved):
– The Convention concerning the treatment of asylum seekers, IDPs, refugees, returnees and the stateless, where applicable, is
disseminated to the local authorities.
– UNHCR policies and standards are applied consistently in the Area of Responsibility (AOR) to ensure quality protection of
populations of concern.
– A healthy, safe and respectful working environment is provided to the workforce in the AOR.

Responsibility (process and functions undertaken to achieve results)
– Monitor and report on the implementation of refugee conventional responsibilities and international obligations of the local
authorities vis-à-vis the population of concern to UNHCR within the AOR.
– Advocate and promote UNHCR standards concerning the treatment of persons of concern.
– Ensure that the basic needs of the concerned population are properly assessed with the participation of the beneficiaries
themselves, the host governments and/or the competent Implementing partners and/or UNHCR itself.
– Subject to the needs, ensure that the planning, formulation and budgeting of identified assistance projects are done as per UNHCR
programme cycle; upon approval of assistance project, ensure the timely implementation and monitoring of identified assistance activities.
– Ensure through the subordinate staff that all deadlines for monitoring and reporting of UNHCR operational activities are met on
a regular basis.
– Manage all UNHCR resources, both human, financial/material, at an optimum level for the wellbeing of the concerned population
and the UNHCR staff.
– Ensure through the subordinate staff that all deadlines for monitoring and reporting of UNHCR operational activities are met on
a regular basis.
– Ensure that all security measures of UNHCR office (and residential, where ever applicable) compounds are always up to date;
any security breaches and/or potential security threat should be reported immediately to competent UN security coordinator in the country.
– Ensure that staff welfare, both in terms of working and living conditions, are maintained at a satisfactory level within the
constraints in the operational area.
– Guide, coach and advocate the subordinate staff to maintain highest standards of conduct and behaviour thorough one’s own
practice and deeds.
– Prepare and submit regular reports, both verbally and written, to the UNHCR Representative. In the event of substantial telephone
conversation that leads to specific action or non-action, it should be recorded and share with the other party.
– Any other responsibilities/functions deemed necessary or as delegated by the UNHCR Representative of the country in order to
meet the level of the services in the organization.

Authority (decisions made in executing responsibilities and to achieve results)
– Represent UNHCR in inter-agency fora and with local authorities in the AOR.
– Enforce compliance with UNHCR’s global protection, programme, finance, human resources and security policies and standards.
– Submit project proposals for assistance to refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR Representation or Sub-Office in
coordination with local authorities and NGOs.

Essential minimum qualifications and professional experience required:
– Undergraduate degree (equivalent of a BA/BS) in Business Administration, Management, Law, Political Science, International Relations, Economics or a related field plus minimum 1 year of previous work experience relevant to the function.

Knowledge of UNHCR mandate and its Field level application.
– Applied knowledge of protection principles, operational arrangements/standards in relation to protection, assistance, UNHCR
office management and staff administration.
–  Basic computer skills and working knowledge in MS office software.
– Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
– Very good knowledge of local language and local institutions is essential.

Desirable qualifications and competencies:
Working experience in UNHCR.
UNHCR Specific learning/training activities (i.e. Learning Programme in Management & Operations).
Proficiency of the language(s) that are used within the AOR.
Knowledge of additional UN languages.

Managerial Competencies:
 Empowering and Building Trust
 Managing Performance
 Judgement and Decision Making
 Strategic Planning and Vision
 Leadership
 Managing Resources

Cross-Functional Competencies:
Analytical Thinking
Innovation and Creativity
Technological Awareness
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Planning and Organizing
Policy Development and Research
Political Awareness
Stakeholder Management
Change Capability and Adaptability

Eligibility: Candidates must be primarily Brazilian citizens and must meet the essential minimum requirements of the position.

A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered.


Candidatos(as) interessados(as) devem enviar e-mail para brabrhr@unhcr.org até o dia 19 de novembro de 2019, seguindo as orientações do Termo de Referência.

O mais completo site brasileiro sobre o mercado de trabalho em Relações Internacionais.


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