Coordenador – Enterprise Logistics – São Paulo, SP


Founded in Sao Paulo in 2002, Enterprise Logistics is a 100% Brazilian company focused on offering a true customized service by providing solutions made to fit each and every need of our customers and partners. Our team of highly skilled professionals will walk you through each stage of the logistics process, ensuring crystal clear communication, thoroughness, quality, and excellence. We have an extensive experience and know-how to offer tailor-made solutions to your cargo, using the best providers and ensuring a smooth, worry-free, operation. Enterprise team has as its core values excellence, quality, togetherness and business integrity. We believe that this is the recipe to establish a long term partnership with many of the largest companies in the Brazilian Market.


Enterprise logistics está contratando coordenador

Alguns dos requisitos:

  • Superior em comércio exterior
  • Experiência prévia em coordenação de desembarque de cargas
  • Inglês avançados
  • Domínio do pacote office

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