Internship Opportunities for Students in LATAM: Sales – Microsoft – Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Our culture is centered on embracing a growth mindset, a theme of inspiring excellence and encouraging teams and leaders to bring their best each day. We believe we should each find meaning in our work and we ensure employees have the freedom and the reach to help make a difference in the world.

We are looking for candidates that have the following qualities:

Team Player: driving digital transformation with our customers is a team sport. We need teammates who can stay maniacally focused on our customers’ satisfaction while operating in a highly-collaborative, matrixed global organization.
Growth Mindset: your life is truly about learning-it-all. You approach every new piece of information, knowledge, and competency with insatiable curiosity. Ultimately, you’re open to the ideas of others, where the success of others does not diminish your own.
Relentlessly Resourceful: you have the drive to overcome any obstacle in your work.
Customer Obsessed: you learn about your customers and their businesses with a beginner’s mind and then bring solutions that meet their needs.
Pure Challenge: demonstrated desire and ability to readily take on complex challenges and work towards solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.
Passion for Technology: you’re deeply motivated by the incredible opportunity of how technology can inspire and ignite change and renewal.
Applications to these opportunities are considered for all available sales intern roles including the ones described below, depending on education level and/or location. To be considered for an internship or college student position, you need to be enrolled full-time as a student majoring in an applicable field.

We live in a mobile-first, cloud-first world, and the transformation we are driving across our businesses enables our customers to thrive in the digital world. Our sales professionals are the essential link between the potential of what’s possible and build trusted advisor relationships with technology vendors.

Based on the size and scale of our sales business, we have multiple disciplines available including:
Account Executive
Account Technology Strategist
Technology Solution Professional
Licensing Sales Specialist
Sales Operations Program Manager
Customer Success Managers


Technology Solution Professional


Technology Solution Professional (TSPs) drive the technical motions within sales driving specific solution area revenue and market share. Based on the tremendous opportunity of digital transformation across every individual and organization, we focus our broad portfolio of assets and go-to-market efforts across four key solution areas: Modern Workplace, Business Applications, Apps & Infrastructure, and Data & AI.


As a TSP, you work alongside Business Development and Solutions Architect teams who source, generate and qualify opportunities within the sales lifecycle. TSPs enable, manage, and implement, cutting edge and legacy technologies in large enterprises.

Customer Success Manager


Customer Success Mangers (CSMs) focus on enabling our clients’ vision for driving digital transformation within Microsoft solution areas. CSMs are our customer’s success advocate as they deploy, use, adopt and consume our technology.

CSMs are core to our long-term strategic success and by driving usage of cloud services and increasing accounts while broadening the surface area of potential with our accounts.


CSMs manage migration of America’s largest enterprises to adopt, deploy and execute their business objectives using Microsoft technologies. Successful CSMs uncover the true essence of problems and come up with insightful solutions appreciative of the way a customer views both their business and processes

Account Executive


As an Account executive, you are the main connection point between Microsoft and our customers., You provide strategic business leadership partnering with leaders in your customers’ organizations to align their business transformation agenda with digital solutions that can help them better engage customers, optimize operations, transform products and shift their business models. Account Executive roles are an incredible opportunity to learn, experience and ultimately drive all aspects of the client relationship, sales pursuit, and customer success lifecycles


Day-to-day you’ll build and maintain key account relationships while driving a two-side business plan with your customers across Technical and Business agendas, respectively. To drive your customers’ digital transformation, you will need to become an expert on their respective industry and talk their language. Your customers will call on you to connect them to the full breadth of Microsoft’s assets including supporting sales disciplines, consulting, support, product groups, and executives to advance their digital transformation agenda.

Account Technology Strategist


The Account Technology Strategist (ATSs) are our enterprise customer’s chief architects. Acting as a chief architect offers a high profile, customer-facing role that is the primary technical face and orchestration point for enterprise customers. Successful ATS’ have a strong, proven IT background and demonstrated knowledge with a broad range of Microsoft solutions and technologies.

As an ATS you must relish the opportunity to build and maintain trusted advisor relationships with technical leads at some of America’s largest organizations including CIOs, CTOs, Enterprise Architects, and IT Directors.


You will be responsible for developing the account technology vision and strategy to support the overall business objectives for Microsoft and customers. The ATS works closely with the Account Executive, Customer Support, Technical Sales, and Business Development sales disciplines to ensure all new sales are well scoped to achieve sustainable business results.

ATS’ champion their customer success across varying Microsoft solutions, technologies, and channel partners often within multiple accounts. The role includes coordinating and guiding both the customer and Microsoft enterprise account teams on all technical domains.

Licensing Sales Specialist


As a Licensing Sales Specialist (LSS), you provide licensing solutions to your customers with a focus on Microsoft volume licensing programs. You work closely with multiple sales disciplines including Account Executives, Business Development, Buy and Legal service desks. Outside of Microsoft you will build and maintain relationships across customers’ purchasing, business sponsors and technical lead to provide modern and robust licensing solutions.


Your role will include negotiating agreement terms and conditions, being the single point of contact for internal and external sales contracts and licensing issues, while supporting developing pricing scenarios and cost/benefit analyses. Successful LSS’ deliver customer-centric licensing that ultimately reduce the complexity of doing business with Microsoft while fueling their ability to execute on their digital transformation agenda.

Sales Operations Program Manager


You will be at the business center of excellence for cross-business execution performance, planning, and Subsidiary operations. The team helps scale execution, drives clear business & market insights that result in Microsoft achieving its business objectives.


The Sales Operations Program Manager role will responsible for developing highly scaled and efficient operational services, driving standardized sales operations & processes, Building and executing standardized tools and reporting and accelerating the landing of Global Sales transformation efforts

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected status.


Currently pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s in in business, communications, industrial engineer or related fields.
Demonstrated analytical and problem-solving skills.
Excellent communication skills and superior customer-service oriented skills desired.
Practical sales experience preferred.
Excellent verbal and written communication, analytical and presentation skills.

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with legal requirements. If you need assistance and/or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability during the application or the recruiting process, please send a request via the Accommodation request form.

Benefits/perks listed below may vary depending on the nature of your employment with Microsoft and the country where you work.

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