Senior Water Resources Management Specialist – Banco Mundial

  • 171803
  • Senior: Water Resources Management Specialist
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Profissional e Técnico
  • GG
  • Washington, DC
  • International Hire
  • English [Essential]; French [Desired]
  • 31-Oct-2017

The World Bank Group: The WBG is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for development solutions, committing $64.2 billion in loans, grants, equity investments and guarantees to its members and private businesses in 2016. It is governed by 188 member countries and delivers services out of 120 offices with nearly 15,000 staff located globally. The WBG consists of five specialized institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

The Role of the World Bank Group in Water: Water resources are under unprecedented and increasing pressures, driven by greater climate variability, population and economic growth, land use changes, and declining quantities and qualities of both ground and surface waters. With cross cutting impacts, water is at the center of economic and social development. Successful water management requires accurate knowledge of available resources and smart management of competing demands with complex economic, environmental and socio-political trade-offs.

The WBG is in a unique position to help governments adopt integrated and strategic approaches to address their water management challenges. Water related activities within the World Bank are led by the Water Global Practice for its IBRD/IDA portfolios, working in coordination with other parts of the Bank Group. The Water GP manages a lending portfolio of about $25 billion, with another $10 billion of water related portfolio managed in related Global Practices. The Water GP also plays a key role in creating evidence based global knowledge and solutions in the water sector, additionally hosting a number of global and regional partnerships. It is one of the foremost institutions within the water sector bringing together knowledge, policy advice, partnerships and financial support to its client countries.

The Water Global Practice is organized around a Senior Practice Director and two Practice Directors, with 9 Regional Practice Managers, 2 Global Managers and five Cross Cutting Global Solutions Groups led by Global Leads. It comprises around 300 staff.

Water Resources Group 2030: Starting in January 1, 2018, the Water Global Practice will additionally host the Water Resources Group 2030 (WRG 2030), which has hereto been hosted by the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group.

The 2030 Water Resources Group (2030 WRG) is a unique global public-private partnership, with a mission to facilitate collective action on water between governments, the private sector and civil society, to help countries achieve water security by 2030.

To meet its objective, 2030 WRG acts as multi-stakeholder platform for action, bringing governments, financial institutions, non-governmental organisations and companies together to work towards a water secure future.

At the invitation of the government, the 2030 WRG works at a country level by establishing national multi-stakeholder platforms that facilitate open discussion, foster partnerships and catalyse change in water-stressed countries. The multi-stakeholder platforms are informed by an objective, fact based analysis of the water situation a country faces in relation to its growth plans to 2030 which is sponsored by 2030 WRG. Informed by this economic analysis, stakeholders in the multi-stakeholder platform then discuss and develop proposals for water programs, projects and policy reforms; support the implementation of public-private partnerships; and develop proposals for innovative finance mechanisms to help others implement various programs. To this extent, the 2030 WRG theory of change is based on the need to ACT: to Analyse, Convene and Transform. 2030 WRG raises awareness through analysis, triggers momentum by convening discussions and initiatives and, as a result, catalyses and supports transformation.

The 2030 WRG was launched in 2010 through an informal collaboration housed at the World Economic Forum between the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the companies Nestlé, PepsiCo and The Coca Cola Company and other organisations such as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). In 2012 the IFC agreed to develop a more formal structure for the 2030 WRG, and offered to host 2030 WRG at IFC within the World Bank Group. This included the creation of a Secretariat in IFC; a Steering Committee and a Governing Council.

The 2030 WRG started its second phase in July 2012 under these arrangements, and successfully met its goals. A third phase of effort took place 2014 to 2017 with IFC continuing as host. In this time 2030 WRG has expanded its activities significantly. 2030 WRG now works in twelve different countries, with others in the pipeline, and with over 500 different partners from across the public, private and civil society sectors.

With the arrival of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, including Goal 6 for Water and Sanitation, a new strategy for the World Bank Global Water Practice has been developed in 2017. This strategy has a strong focus on scaling partnerships for action, including in water resource management. In June 2017, it was agreed by the Governing Council of the 2030 WRG to move 2030 WRG to the World Bank’s Global Water Practice for its third phase of activity 2018-2023.

As a central part of this transition, the World Bank is now seeking two Senior Water Resources Management Specialists to serve as the overall technical leads and coordinators for the Africa and the Asia programs.

The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in race, gender, nationality, culture, and educational background. Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.

Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 3 year term appointment.


Duties and Accountabilities:

The Senior Water Resources Management Specialists will be part of a small WRG 2030 team reporting to the Program Manager of 2030 WRG. Each of the positions being advertised will be the de facto coordinator for programs in Africa and in Asia (South Asia and East Asia).

The 2030 WRG is a highly networked partnership. This means that in delivering their responsibilities he/she will be responsible for working with staff and consultants of the 2030 WRG Secretariat in the countries to:

• Be responsible for the analytical work underlying water security issues in the countries of engagement, drawing on work that has already been done by other partners, including the World Bank Group, as well as leading with new knowledge;

• Initiate partnerships with key government, civil society and private sector partners to develop multi-stakeholder platforms;

• Coordinate and guide the work of the multi-stakeholder platforms to develop key priorities for joint action;

• Guide the work of the multi-stakeholder platforms in developing action plans, consultations and concrete actions by the various actors to effect change on the ground;

• Ensure that the objectives and expected deliverables are met on time, of high technical quality and within budget, and will deliver high impact results.

• Liaise with all parts of the World Bank Group, including IFC, to ensure consistency with technical quality standards, operational procedures and policies of the Bank Group;

• Represent 2030 WRG, and its mission, in external fora and events;

• Maintain close ties with civil society, academia and private sector partners;

More detailed responsibilities and priorities will be refined at the outset of employment and annually thereafter.

Selection Criteria:

• Master’s or doctoral degree in environment and resource management issues, water resources, environmental economics, finance, economic policy and/or business strategy and sustainability

• At least 8 years of relevant professional experience in the public, private or civil society sectors, with significant experience working across sectors

• Technical/policy literacy and public-private partnership expertise in global environment/ sustainability/ resource security issues, ideally in water or related
dryland sectors and related socioeconomic considerations

• Able to work with senior business leaders and leading issue experts in academia, international organizations, governments and non-governmental organizations, as well as with representatives from grassroots organizations

• Clear track record of success in large-scale public-private partnership project delivery, knowledge leadership and team management

• Outstanding verbal and written communication skills in English; proficiency in other languages preferable

• Analytical capabilities

• Well established networks among key individuals and organizations associated with water /natural resource security, ideally across public, private and civil society sector activities



• Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena – Translates technical and cross-country knowledge into practical applications and contributions to country and sector strategies; interacts with clients at the policy level.

• Policy Dialogue Skills – Anticipates needs and requests in the field and conducts independent policy discussions on subjects such as climate change and resilience/adaptation with Integrative Skills – Understands relevant cross-sectoral areas how they are interrelated; able to undertake cross-sectoral work in lending and non-lending operations.

• Water Policy and Strategy – Good understanding of water policies and strategies and their role in delivering outcomes to end users/customers

• Water Institutions – Good understanding of WRM sector institutions and how they are best organized to deliver services to end users in a sustainable manner

• Water Resources Management – Extensive experience in water resources planning, management and development, with depth in at least one subtopic; ability mitigate risk or overcome difficult challenges and provide policy-related decisions and advice.

• Lead and Innovate – Develops innovative solutions with others.

• Deliver Results for Clients – Achieves results and identifies mission-driven solutions for the client.

• Collaborate Within Teams and Across Boundaries – Initiates collaboration across boundaries and broadly across GPs and the WBG, and brings differing ideas into the forefront.

• Create, Apply and Share Knowledge – Creates, applies and shares knowledge from across and outside WBG to strengthen internal and/or external client solutions.

• Make Smart Decisions – Recommends and takes decisive action.

• Work Independently – Meets commitments and accepts accountability with minimum supervision.

Duration, Funding and Location of Assignment:

The position is for an initial period of 3 years at level GG within the World Bank’s HR terms and conditions. The position will be based in Washington, DC and the work is likely to require extensive mission travel.

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